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Shamanic Frame Drum


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This beautiful frame drum is for shamanic rituals, music, movement, and dance. 

Sold separately. The diameter of each drum is approximately 30cm. It is supplied with a beautiful drum beater.

This beautiful frame drum is for shamanic rituals, music, movement, and dance. Many cultures worldwide practice shamanic drumming, an ancient ritual with a simple, repetitive rhythm. This rhythm builds in intensity until it reaches a set number of beats per minute. The ascending tempo then helps the shaman to enter a trance-like state, allowing them to journey between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Practitioners progress through trance-like states to enable healing, self-expression, and relaxation. Drumming can help to improve anxiety and reduce stress. While also releasing tension and lowering blood pressure. Once the shaman is ready to exit the trance, they slow the tempo and the drumming’s intensity until they become conscious of the world again.


A drum circle lets you connect with your spirit and mix with like-minded people. When participating in a drum circle, you will be involved in a celebration of life, community, and music. In many indigenous tribes, shamanic people have gathered in drumming circles for thousands of years; this is a custom that is still practised today in numerous tribes throughout the world.

For more information, we recommend looking at these books: The Shamanic Drum by Michael Drake and Spirit Walkers Guide to Shamanic Tools by Evelyn C Rysdyk.

Also, remember to check out our other products, such as this beautiful brocade tingsa tingsha case. If you would like information on spiritual incense, look at our blogs ‘a beginners guide to smoke cleansing your space ‘and ‘a quick guide to palo santo‘ Finally, please remember to tag us in any great photos @surrender_to_happiness.

Keep all gemstones and energy tools away from children. 

Sold separately. The diameter of each drum is approximately 30cm. It is supplied with a beautiful drum beater.

Products sold by Surrender to Happiness should not replace conventional medical advice or treatment. For medical advice, always consult a medical expert. Crystal healing or other energy work is not to be considered a substitute for conventional medicine. If you have a health issue, you should consult your doctor. Surrender to Happiness would like to advise that all the information on our website, both downloadable and readable, plus any hand out literature sent with orders and any other written or spoken communication, is purely informational and our own beliefs. Because a crystal or stone or other items on the website is alleged to have one or more healing properties, either physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, it does not mean that you will definitely experience or benefit from any such properties. Any information you receive, whether orally, in written form, or electronically relating to crystals and stones purchased from Surrender to Happiness, should be received and understood in the above context. Surrender to Happiness will consider that the purchase of anything from our website is made on the basis of your own freedom of choice and the knowledge that Surrender to Happiness accepts no responsibility or liability for the effectiveness of the products sold herein.

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