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Embracing the Snow Moon

snow moon

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

As winter’s chill tightens its grip, the night sky offers solace in the form of the snow moon, a full moon that graces us in late February. This celestial event holds a unique place in the lunar calendar, and it’s the perfect time to embrace moon rituals that connect us with nature, our inner selves, and the ever-changing cycles of life.

The snow moon: A winter beauty

The snow moon, also known as the hunger moon or bear moon, is the full moon that typically occurs in late February. Its name reflects the deep snow cover often present during this time in the northern hemisphere. While the snow moon may not be as famous as the harvest moon or the blood moon, it holds its own enchantment and symbolism.

This full moon serves as a reminder of the persistence of life, even in the harshest conditions. It’s a time when animals must rely on stored food reserves, and historically, humans would feel winter’s hunger more acutely. The snow moon encourages us to look within ourselves, reflect on our inner resources, and nurture our spirits during the final throes of winter.

Moon rituals for the snow moon

1. Meditation and Self-Reflection:

  • Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit or lie down.
  • Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to centre yourself.
  • Visualise a snowy landscape, allowing yourself to become one with the serene winter scene.
  • Reflect on the challenges you’ve faced and the strength and resilience you’ve developed.
  • Set intentions for the coming months, focusing on what you wish to nurture and grow.

2. Moon Bathing:

  • Bundle up warmly and head outdoors on the night of the snow moon.
  • Find a cosy spot where you can gaze at the moon.
  • Allow the moon’s soft light to wash over you physically and spiritually.
  • As you soak in the moon’s energy, let go of any negative emotions or thoughts, imagining them being carried away by the moonlight.

3. Release Ritual:

  • Write down on a piece of paper any habits, beliefs, or emotions that no longer serve you.
  • Safely burn the paper under the moon’s light, visualising these negative aspects leaving your life.
  • As the paper turns to ash, envision yourself becoming free from their weight.

4. Gratitude Journaling:

  • Take time to reflect on the blessings in your life, no matter how small.
  • Write them down in a gratitude journal by the soft glow of the snow moon.
  • Expressing gratitude can help shift your perspective and attract more positivity.

5. Crystal Charging:

  • Place your favourite crystals or gemstones in a safe spot outdoors, where they can absorb the moon’s energy.
  • Retrieve them the following day and carry them as talismans of the snow moon’s power.

The snow moon, with its snowy aura, offers a unique opportunity for introspection and growth. As we inch closer to the end of winter, these moon rituals can help us tap into the moon’s energy and embrace the transformative power of this time of year. Remember that the snow moon is not just a celestial event; it’s a reminder of our own inner strength and resilience, waiting to bloom like the first flowers of spring.

For a little extra moon magic, click here, and click here for information on moon bathing. For information on breathwork and rituals for the next worm moon, click here. Remember to tag us at @surrender_to_happiness on Instagram; we love to see what rituals our readers have during the full moon. Finally, for more spiritual information manifesting your intentions, click here.

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