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Child’s pose: have you tried it yet?

Childs Pose Yoga

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Child’s pose was initially known as balasana. Balasana originates from the Sanskrit word ‘Bala’, meaning child and ‘Asana’, meaning pose. Child’s pose is relaxing and practised by yogis of all levels. Many yogis, look forward to this pose, which can be used between more challenging asanas and sequences.

It also benefits the mind, body, and soul in many ways. When sitting in child’s pose, the abdominal muscles relax on the thighs and become slightly compressed, which elongates the lower back and stretches the muscles in the hips, thighs, and ankles. As many of us hold much weight in our lower bodies daily, this can be therapeutic.

Child’s pose can help relax and soothe the mind. When sitting in this pose, you rest your third eye chakra (the point between your eyebrows) on the floor; this has an instant calming effect and releases stress and tension. To begin practising child’s pose, clear a space for your yoga mat and get comfortable before following these steps:

Child’s Pose

  1. Begin in tabletop (hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart on the floor) or downward dog.
  2. Open up your knees, and touch your toes touching together (if you have tight thighs, keep your knees together).
  3. Sit back on your knees and reach your body forward towards the floor. Your chest should rest on your thighs and your forehead on the floor.
  4. You can stretch your arms forward, push from your armpits, or elongate your fingers. Or, if you prefer, you can hold your arms by your side. Palms are facing upwards (this gives a deeper stretch).
  5. Equalise your breathing by taking deep long breaths. Close your eyes and focus on your third eye chakra.
  6. You can hold this pose for as long as you feel comfortable.

Child’s pose will relax your body and stretch the ligaments and joints to stop stiffness. It can also help digestion and mindfulness.

Next time your back feels stiff after sitting at a desk all day or you’ve spent all day standing at work. Or, even if you need a deep relaxing stretch, try sitting in child’s pose for a few minutes.

There are many options if you want to include crystals in this practice. We recommend beginning with rose quartz since it is the crystal of love, and this pose is the essence of self-love and care.

For more wellness tips and information, check out the wellbeing section of our blog. And remember to tag us at @surrender_to_happiness on Instagram if you try this pose. Finally, for information on the warrior poses, click here.

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