Are you drinking enough water? Estimated reading time: 3 minutesDrinking water can seem a bit of a chore. Especially with the vast choice of other drinks you see during the weekly shop. Or when you go out for a meal and the drinks menu is full of cocktails, alcohol, and fizzy pops. We are not saying you should only drink water, but drinking at least 2 litres of water-based drinks daily is essential. After all, 60% of your body comprises it, so you need to keep it topped up.We never used to drink enough daily and noticed our bodies were suffering. Our skin was drying out, and we always had headaches. Since we’ve ensured we drink at least 2 litres a day. We have noticed these symptoms have disappeared, and feel healthier and happier. Here are just a few of the reasons why water is good for you:Increase your brain power and boost your energyYour brain is made up of 73% water, so your mind can become dehydrated if you don’t drink enough. When dehydrated, your brain does not perform how it should. It becomes sluggish, and your memory is affected. You may also become more sensitive to pain.Water is good for your skinYour skin is an organ that can become dehydrated too. When your skin lacks hydration, it becomes dry and flaky. Drinking enough water can help clear dry skin and prevent wrinkles, giving your skin a radiant glow.Strengthen your immune systemWater is known to flush toxins out of your body and carry oxygen. These both play a big part in strengthening the immune system. Remember to drink lots in the cold, damp months to help you stop catching a cold.Now you know about some of the benefits of drinking water, here are a few tips for you to use, especially if you are one of the many people who need more flavour.Filtered waterFiltered tastes much better than straight from a tap. It also removes any chlorine and bacterial contaminants. Since a filter removes toxins, it can also aid in the reduction and risk of certain diseases. If you enjoy going out, you can purchase a water bottle with a built-in filter to take with you.Add some flavorSuppose you become bored of drinking it plain. Why don’t you add some slices of lemon or give cucumber and raspberries a try? You can add anything you like, drop it in before bed, and leave it overnight. You will have lovely fresh flavoured water to sip when you wake up.Try a marked bottleIf you’re not great at keeping track of your water intake during the day, purchase a bottle with the hours marked on. This way, you can ensure you drink 2 litres a day.Water may seem like another mundane drink, and at times it may seem like there are many better flavour options. But truthfully, the best drink to have is simply water. From its all-around hydrating factors to the endless health benefits, why wouldn’t you drink the healthiest and cheapest drink there is? It’s the drink we have always drank since the beginning of humanity, so why stop now?For more wellness tips and information, check out the wellbeing section of our blog. And remember to tag us at @surrender_to_happiness on Instagram if you try any wonderful flavour creations. Finally, if you are considering crystal water, why not look at our gem water book?DisclaimerSpread the love