Super SevenSuper seven, also known as melody’s stone, is a powerful crystal that combines the energy of seven different minerals. It is a high-vibration stone that resonates with all chakras, making it an excellent choice for spiritual development and healing. The colours of super seven include purple, brown, orange, and clear, and it is primarily found in brazil. Some other names for this crystal include sacred seven, melody stone, and cacoxenite.Super seven is not associated with any particular birth month or zodiac sign, but it is believed to be a crystal that can benefit anyone who works with it. Its healing properties include boosting the immune system, enhancing mental clarity, and aiding spiritual growth. It is also believed to be helpful for those experiencing stress, anxiety, or depression.Spiritually, super seven is believed to help enhance psychic abilities and connect one to higher spiritual realms. It is also said to aid in developing one’s intuition and promote inner peace and harmony.There are no specific stories surrounding super seven, but its unique combination of seven minerals and powerful energy has made it a sought-after crystal among healers and spiritual seekers. Its energetic properties bring joy and positivity to those who work with it.To view our range of super seven products, click here. Finally, as always if you want anymore information, contact us using our contact form or @surrender_to_happiness.