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How To Use Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz Rough

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Rose quartz is found in many homes, workspaces, rituals, and ceremonies. But what exactly is it used for?

Rose quartz is a well-known healing stone that is easily one of today’s most popular crystals. Its gentle pink tones signify the love created by this stone, often called the crystal of unconditional love. Linked to the heart chakra, it removes blockages, such as emotional stress, fear, and hate—and allows positive energy and love to take their place.

The history of this beautiful gemstone

For centuries, rose quartz has been used in love rituals and ceremonies worldwide. Some of the earliest users were the Greeks and Romans. Who believed that their gods of love (Cupid And Eros) presented the gift of love to humans in the form of this beautiful stone.

The Egyptians also wore rose quartz talismans and face masks, believing it prevented ageing. According to legend, Isis maintained her youth and beauty using rose quartz. At the same time, ancient Chinese cultures used it as a token of love.

What are the healing properties of rose quartz?

Well known for its ability to heal the heart, rose quartz dismisses any sorrow, fears, and resentments to allow space for you to accept and give love. It will enable inner peace, calmness, and empathy to fill the space and help the user accept love from family, friends, and themselves.

It has many physical healing abilities too. Such as soothing and healing burns and bruising by gently rubbing a tumbled stone over the affected area. A rose quartz facial roller can also help promote a clear complexion and reduce wrinkles

Increasing your self-love

One of the most important things we all need to learn is self-love. Nowadays, it is often seen as selfish to love and care for yourself. But it is not selfish; it is an essential part of life (take a quick look at our blog on self-care here.) 

We suggest one of the first things you should do with your rose quartz is to sit down with a journal and write a list of all the things you love about yourself. Include everything, from your looks and personality to your accomplishments.

Once you have your list, hold your crystal in your hand and read it back to yourself; if you have a mirror stand in front of it and look yourself in the eye while reading this out. Take time to acknowledge your positives and feel the self-love wash over you.

rose quartz crystals

Bathing with crystals

Rose quartz is a water-safe stone; this means it won’t dissolve in water. So why not pop some in your bathwater? Taking a bath with these stones will enable you to soak up the loving, calming energy they emit, helping you to relax and allow all types of love into your heart.

Crystal combination

It is also an excellent stone combined with clear quartz and amethyst to make a golden triangle. Place one of these three crystals at different points in a room to make a triangle shape. The area inside this triangle allows for relaxation, purification, and regeneration of the area and any person within it.

Cleansing your rose quartz

When you use rose quartz, you must cleanse it regularly to remove negative energy. Here are a few ways to do this:

  • Place your crystal under the moonlight, either on a windowsill or outside. Remember to collect it in the morning, as the sun may affect the colour. A new or full moon is more powerful for cleansing your crystal, but any moonlight is sufficient.
  • Use a smoke cleansing stick. Light the stick, then blow the flame out, leaving the smoke to billow. Pass your crystal through this smoke several times.
  • Or use a brass bell. Ring it over the crystal, and the sound vibrations it emits will help set the vibrations of the rose quartz back to its original state.

So if using this stone is still new to you, grab your crystal and try out some of the practices above. You can’t go wrong with such a wonderful and versatile stone like this. And don’t forget we stock some beautiful rose quartz products in our shop, like this carved elephant and skull.

Finally, for more information, hints, and tips, why not look at our blog? Click here, for information on the power of rose quartz. And don’t forget to tag us in any of your rose quartz photos at @surrender_to_happiness.

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