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Embrace the Renewal and Abundance of Ostara


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

As winter’s cold grip begins to loosen and the days grow longer, nature awakens from its slumber, and a sense of renewal fills the air; this is the time of Ostara, a celebration of balance, fertility, and the return of life to the earth.

The Origins of Ostara

Ostara, also known as the spring equinox, is a pagan holiday that celebrates the arrival of spring. Its origins can be traced back to ancient Germanic and Celtic traditions. The name “Ostara” is believed to be derived from the Germanic goddess Eostre, the goddess of spring and fertility.

The equinox, occurring around March 20th or 21st in the northern hemisphere, marks the moment when day and night are of equal length. This balance between light and dark is symbolic of the harmony and unity found in nature. It is a time of transition and transformation as the earth begins to awaken and burst forth with new life.

Ostara Symbols and Practices

Eggs: Eggs are a central symbol of Ostara, representing fertility, rebirth, and new beginnings. Decorating eggs with intricate designs or simple colours is a common tradition during this time.

Hares and Rabbits: The hare is often associated with Eostre, and it is believed that she transformed a bird into a hare, giving it the ability to lay eggs. Hares and rabbits are symbols of fertility and abundance.

Flowers: Spring flowers, such as daffodils, crocuses, and tulips, are used to decorate altars and homes during Ostara. They symbolise the return of life and the beauty of the season.

Feasting: Many people celebrate Ostara with a feast, sharing meals made from fresh, seasonal ingredients. Foods like eggs, honey, and spring vegetables are often included in these celebrations.

ostara feast

Using Ostara Knowledge to Increase Renewal and Abundance

Now that we understand the origins and symbols of Ostara, let’s explore how we can utilise this knowledge to bring renewal and abundance into our own lives:

Embrace Change: Just as nature undergoes a profound transformation during this season, we, too, can use Ostara as a reminder to embrace change in our lives. Let go of old habits, thoughts, or patterns that no longer serve you and make room for new growth.

Set Intentions: Ostara is a perfect time to set intentions for the coming months. Reflect on what you want to manifest – personal growth, improved relationships, or career aspirations – and write them down. Plant the seeds of your intentions in the fertile soil of your mind.

Reconnect with Nature: Spend time outdoors, reconnecting with the natural world. Take a walk in the park, plant a garden, or sit quietly in a green space. Nature’s renewal during this season can inspire your personal growth.

Create a Spring Altar: Decorate a special space in your home with symbols of Ostara, such as flowers, eggs, and images of hares or rabbits. Use this altar as a focal point for meditation and reflection on the themes of renewal and abundance.

Perform Rituals: You can perform simple rituals to celebrate Ostara, such as lighting candles, meditating on your intentions, or even conducting a small egg-dyeing ceremony. These rituals can help you connect with the energy of the season.

Ostara is a time of great significance in the natural world, symbolising the return of life, balance, and abundance. By understanding its origins and incorporating its symbolism and practices into our lives, we can harness the energy of renewal and growth, allowing us to flourish just as the earth does each spring. Embrace the season of Ostara, and watch as your life blooms with new possibilities and abundance.

Don’t forget to browse our shop, where you can find beautiful egg-shaped crystals and an amazing gemstone egg crystal set. If you want more ideas on celebrating, look at our other Ostara blog here. Finally, tag us @surrender_to_happiness on Instagram with all your celebration photographs; we love to see you enjoying yourselves.

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